The University's Counseling Room is open for face-to-face consultations on the days when face-to-face lectures are scheduled. The dates are as follows. Except for the setup date, we accept inquiries via email or online (Zoom). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding.
Please note that face-to-face consultations and inquiries via email or online are generally accepted during the following opening hours.
If you would like to consult online at Zoom, please check the consent form (download from the below) . Please send it as the attachment by e-mail <shsoudan@cc.ocha.ac.jp> filling in the required items. After confirming the consent form, the consultation date and time and Zoom connection information will be provided by email.
consent form WORD猟17キロバイト
The center is located in the third floor of the Graduate School of Humanities & Sciences/University Innovation Research Building.
You can get consultation on harassment and human rights abuse from independent professional counselors.
If you encounter these problems, please do not hesitate to come in and talk to our counselors. Your consultation will be kept strictly confidential.
掲械輩T鬚院献魯薀好瓮鵐筏犯愬嶌Ψ赤 e-learning々をg仏しています。
Appointments can be made by phone, e-mail or in person. You will remain anonymous, unless you prefer otherwise.
TEL & FAX03-5978-5936
Please see the attached file below for opening days.
Opening hours is from 10 AM to 4 PM on each day.
なお、T獗Tへの冩俐?v處の卆mは獗片L 除儲 {kondo.megumi@ocha.ac.jpまでおい栽わせください。
If you prefer, you can also choose to talk to our advisors first. They conduct introductory counseling, provide information on the University’s follow-up measures, and introduce you to a professional counselor.