



IGL International Symposium: “Improving Gender Balance of Participation in Science: European and Asian Experiences”

20.02.2017 Update

The Institute for Global Leadership (IGL) hosted an international symposium, “Improving Gender Balance of Participation in Science: European and Asian Experiences,” at Room 101 of Inter-Faculty Building 2 of Ochanomizu University on February 20, 2017. This symposium was planned and run by Prof. Karen A. Shire, Distinguished Visiting Professor at the IGL, Ochanomizu University and Professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Three guest speakers from Japan, Belgium and South Korea gave presentations and joined a panel discussion related to the current status of women’s participation in STEM* and policies, systems and efforts to improve their participation. With more than 130 people participating, the venue was filled to capacity.

Prof. Yoichi Sakakihara, Vice-President and Trustee of Ochanomizu University, started off the program with brief remarks. Prof. Shire then described the symposium’s purpose and introduced the three speakers.

Prof. Alison E. Woodward from the Free University of Brussels led off with a presentation about policies to promote selection of women for higher positions in scientific fields, giving specific examples that included the introduction of gender quotas in STEM.

Prof. Sung-Nam Cho, Director of Ewha Institute for Leadership Development, Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea, reviewed the history of training women leaders at Ewha Womans University and their education programs to train women in scientific fields.

Dr. Yuichiro Anzai, President of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and former President of Keio University, described the current situation and issues related to women entering STEM in Japan.

Following these speeches, Prof. Shire moderated the panel discussion, during which the speakers exchanged their views and answered questions from the audience about various approaches and efforts to promote women’s involvement in STEM.
*STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

  • 001Prof. Yoichi Sakakihara’s opening remarks
  • 002Prof. Karen A. Shire
  • 003Prof. Alison E. Woodward
  • 004Prof. Sung-Nam Cho
  • 005Dr. Yuichiro Anzai
  • 006  Panel discussionProf. Woodward at left, Prof. Cho at right

Panel discussion
From left, Prof. Woodward, Prof. Cho, Dr. Anzai, and Prof. Shire