



JICA regional training “Early Childhood Education for Midwest Africa” was conducted

24.10.2017 Update

A presentation in progress
A presentation in progress

Commissioned by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Ochanomizu University held a training session on preschool education for fifteen trainees from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Niger, Senegal, Gabon and Guinea in Midwest Africa from September 25 to October 20, 2017. The trainees were all in leadership positions in the early childhood support field in their respective countries, including administrative officials and school inspectors and supervisors. This is the twelfth year that Ochanomizu University has conducted this training for people from francophone countries in Midwest Africa.

Children in sub-Saharan Africa under age five have extremely high death rates and frequently suffer from malnutrition and disease, which are the issues that need prompt attention. International society now recognizes the importance of comprehensive approaches that integrate care and education starting in early childhood, and support systems in the field of preschool education have been strengthened in developing countries. However, specialized personnel for early childhood care and education are currently in short supply in sub-Saharan Africa.

With that in mind, this program is designed to train people from regions in Africa through presentations, facility visits and workshops related to Japanese preschool education, and childcare and support for preschool children. It includes related systems and policies as well as the content of childcare and methods, human resource training and evaluations.

The overall goal was to improve trainees’ expertise and skills in the area of early childhood support. Post-training questionnaires showed high levels of achievement in each of the following six goals six goals for the training. It is designed to help participants master:

  1. Discovering and sorting out issues in affiliated organizations
  2. Concepts, content and trends regarding Early Childhood Development (ECD)
  3. Disparities in preschool education and corrective measures
  4. Childcare content and methods, and teaching materials development that correspond to the children’s development
  5. Teacher training systems
  6. Preschool education evaluations

The questionnaires also presented a high level of satisfaction among the trainees. On the final day, they individually presented the action plans they would implement after returning home. Based on these action plans, the trainees will actively use what they learned during the session in Japan.

  • Kindergarten visitKindergarten visit
  • Trainees used paper cups to create toys at this workshopTrainees used paper cups
    to create toys at this workshop