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Activity announcements / reports

Recruiting Ochadai students to give their presentations in English at the forum

Global Human Resource Development Forum 2015:

East Japan 2nd Block Event for MEXT’s Go Global Japan Project

The "Global Human Resource Development Forum," the event organized by selected participating universities from the East Japan 2nd block in MEXT's “Go Global Japan Project," will be held at Asia University on November 21, 2015.

 Click here for "Global Human Resource Development Forum" in 2013

 Click here for "Global Human Resource Development Forum" in 2014

Date and Time

 Saturday, November 21, 2015, 13:00 to 17:00


 Auditorium in Building 3, Asia University (Musashino Campus)
  (5-24-10 Sakai, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8629 JAPAN)

Year 2015’s Theme

 "Create the future of Asia and the world through collaborative projects"


? 1st Session: Keynote speech "(Tentative title) Achievements and challenges in the Asian exchanges"
            followed by discussion with the student audience experienced internship, etc.

? 2nd Session: "Create the future of Asia and the world through collaborative projects"
      English presentations by student teams
      followed by winners announcement, awards ceremony, and comments from the evaluation committee members

Organized by: East Japan 2nd Block Meeting in MEXT's Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development