

Strengthening global capabilities
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Strengthening global capabilities

Activity announcements / reports

Workshop for Women's Global Success in 2014

We encourage you to come and join the "Workshop for Women's Global Success," organized by the Global Human Resource Development Center (Note: Lectures will be given in Japanese).

What should the Japanese female students do to achieve global success?poster_s  
    It has been long since the term "globalization" came to be used in Japanese society. Borders are getting vague as the times go, the internationalization of economic activities progresses, and there is a need for global human resources in professional world. We believe that female students can contribute to these processes, and thus are required to demonstrate creativity and expertise of their own fields in their global career development after graduation.
    However, female students in Japan are doubly handicapped. First, the progress of women's participation in the society has been slow in Japan, while promoting diversity and gender equality has been emphasized by the government. Additionally, female-friendly environments in companies are not yet firmly established. Second, in this difficult situation that nests in Japan, it may not be easy for women to find role models. In such a society, what should the Japanese female students wishing to be active in the global context do? What would they be able to?
    These workshops will present speakers in various fields who can become role models for female students. We hope that students will be able to receive advice, wisdom, and empowerment from these speakers.

 Everyone is welcome. No prior application necessary. 100 first-come, first-served registration.
 Six workshops are scheduled throughout the year.
 The current schedules are as follows.

 Click here for "Workshop for Women's Global Success" in 2013

1st Workshop  Successfully Completed!

Date and Time    Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 18:30 to 20:00
Venue    Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer    Kaoru Nemoto

Director, United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo

★ Content: We will have Ms. Kaoru Nemoto, the Director at the United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo, to listen to her talk entitled "curiosity makes driving force!". It is an opportunity to hear from her precious stories on what is happening in the global workplace of the United Nations, and what paths Ms. Nemoto has followed to come to her present position in her career!

Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]

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2nd Workshop      The Talk Global ~ Let's talk deeply about "Global" ! ~ Successfully Completed!

Date and Time    Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 18:30 to 20:00
Venue    Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturers    Miho Fukui
                    Project Lecturer, the Global Collaboration Center in Ochanomizu University
                 Noriko Watanabe
                    Project Lecturer, the Global Human Resource Development Center in Ochanomizu University

          Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]

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3rd Workshop  Successfully Completed!

Date and Time    Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 18:30 to 20:00
Venue    Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer    Miki Sugiura

Professor, Faculty of Economics at Hosei University

★ Content: Dr. Sugiura, who continued to look for "where she belongs" while living in around the world from her younger age, possibly has gone through worries you ave experienced now. The 21st century is said to be the era of women moving out to overseas. Why is the number of women moving abroad increasing? Dr. Sgiura’s talk will stimulate you to think about yourself and going out abroad.

Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]

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4th Workshop  Successfully Completed!

Date and Time    Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 18:30 to 20:00
Venue    Room 124, Main Building 1st Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer    Mariko Hara

Announcer, Social anthropologist

★ Content: Ms. Mariko Hara has been working as announcer and social anthropologist. Ms. Hara, after started career at TV Asahi, continued longing to study abroad in the times when bilingual announcers were made much of. She later took a chance to work at BBC and to study at the University of Cambridge, meeting with various people, to learn that you can open up plenty opportunities for global success if you keep a strong wish, even with some “detour”. Hear stories from her who has multiple experiences for you to open up your chances.

Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]

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5th Workshop  Successfully Completed!

Date and Time    Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 18:30 to 20:00
Venue    Room 306, Main Building 3rd Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer    Midori Sawato

Benshi (a.k.a. katsudō-benshi, Katsuben): a Japanese performer who provides live narration for silent films

★ Content: Ms.Midori Sawato is a "Benshi" , which is a rare career. The Benshi is unique to Japanese entertainment, where the Benshi gives narrative to the movie in the side of the movie screen in old days when the movie was silent. Sawato revived skills of "Katsuben" obsolete in modern times and this lead to her obtaining a global reputation. Listen to unique Sawato's story where she has reached her global activities by persuing her own way, and look for your own way to the way.

Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]

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6th Workshop  Successfully Completed!

Date and Time    Thursday, January 22, 2015, 16:30 to 18:00
Venue    Room 126, Main Building 1st Floor, Ochanomizu University
Lecturer    Yuko Miyasaka

Overseas division marketing team, POLA (Ltd.)

★ Content: Yuko Miyasaka is an alumna of Ochanomizu University. During her job hunting, with her wish to internationally spread products of high quality that Japan is proud of, she joined her favorite/ the cosmetics industry, POLA (Ltd.) in 2010, in the field of Japanese high technology. Since then she worked in the overseas division for about five years. Based on her experiences, she will talk about global business, mind skills needed there, rewards and difficultiesassociated with it, and human resources that are expected in this field.

Click here for reports from the day [coming soon]

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Contact Us

Coordinators: Ishida, Hosoya, Tamamura
Ochanomizu University 
The Global Human Resource Development Center
TEL : +81-3-5978-2734 /2736
E-mail: wgws ■ 
* Please replace ■ with @
