




“Improving Gender Balance of Participation in Science: European and Asian Experiences”


本学グローバルリーダーシップ研究所は2月20日(月曜日)にカレン?シャイア氏(グローバルリーダーシップ研究所特別招聘教授、ドイツ デュースブルク?エッセン大学教授)が企画する国際シンポジウムを開催します。科学分野における女性人材の育成とリーダーシップ向上に関する研究や政策、活動等について国際的な観点から議論します。文理を問わず皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。


日時 2017(平成29)年2月20日(月曜日) 16時~18時10分
会場 お茶の水女子大学インタラクティブホール 共通講義棟2号館201室


"Strong measures, slow changes: Working for gender balance in European scientific research"
"Fostering Young Women Leaders in STEM: Ewha’s Experience"
"Japan’s current status and issues of women’s participation in STEM"

Program 16:00-16:15 Opening Greetings and Introduction to the Program
16:15-17:35 Presentations
Alison E. WOODWARD “Strong measures, slow changes: Working for gender balance in European scientific research”
CHO Sung-Nam “Fostering Young Women Leaders in STEM: Ewha’s Experience”
ANZAI Yuichiro “Japan's current status and issues of women's participation in STEM”
17:35-18:05 Moderated Discussion (Moderator: Karen A. SHIRE)
18:05-18:10 Closing Remarks
その他 託児あり(無料、小学生まで、先着15名)
詳細 /event/20170126_1.html


Karen A. SHIRE
Distinguished Visiting Professor,
Ochanomizu University

Karen A. SHIRE Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ochanomizu University
Professor at the institute of East Asian Studies, Universität Duisburg-Essen and currently Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Institute for Global Leadership, Ochanomizu University. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology, University Wisconsin-Madison. Her special expertise is Comparative Sociology and Japanese Society. In 1990s, she served as Associate Professor at International Christian University for 10 years. She is actively doing a worldwide research and educational activities on gender inequalities in employment through international comparison between Japan and Germany, and area comparison between East Asia and Europe.

ドイツ デュースブルク?エッセン大学教授、本学グローバルリーダーシップ研究所海外特別招聘教授

Alison. E. WOODWARD Professor,
Free University Brussels

Alison. E. WOODWARD Professor, Free University Brussels
Sociologist at the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels). She received her Ph.D. in Sociology, University of California, Berkeley. She is an expert on quota and equality policies in government, the economy and science in Europe. Her major publications are Going for Gender Balance (2001) and The impact of the crisis on civil society organisations in the EU: Risks and opportunities (2012, with J. Shahin and G. Terzis). Recent publications on the topics of gender quotas and women in science and technology include: “Chapter 43 Gender in European politics.” In Routledge Handbook of European Politics, ed: José M Magone, London: Routledge (2014), pp. 844-857; “On the way to the top: providing equal opportunities for men and women in science and technology: Summary.” In Workshop sponsored by the Gender Balance Working Group of the European Research Council- ERC Executive Agency, Brussels (December 2, 2013).

ベルギー ブリュッセル自由大学教授、社会学者
専門は、ヨーロッパにおける政治?経済?科学などのクオータ制や平等政策。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校博士(社会学)。主著は、Going for Gender Balance (2001) 、The impact of the crisis on civil society organisations in the EU: Risks and opportunities (2012, with J. Shahin and G. Terzis)など。近年、ジェンダー?クオータ制や科学技術における女性の進出に関する著作を多数執筆。

CHO Sung-Nam Professor,
Ewha Womans University, Korea

CHO Sung-Nam Professor, Ewha Womans University, Korea
Professor at the Department of Sociology, Ewha Womans University. She studied Sociology and received her Ph.D. from the Department of Sociology in the University of Hawaii, USA. She is currently Dean of Ewha Institute for Leadership Development and serves as Vice President of the Korean Social Science Council. She served as Director of the Research Institute for Social Sciences and Dean of the International Education Institute at Ewha, President of Medical Peace Foundation in Korea, President of the Korean Federation of Women Professors and President of the Korean Sociological Association. Her main research interests include family, population ageing and health service utilization. Her major publications include books entitled Age-Boom Generation: Preparing for the Ageing Society(2004). Koreans in the US, Abortions in Korea, and Qualitative Methodology.

韓国 梨花女子大学校社会学教授、梨花リーダーシップ開発院所長
専門は、社会学。特に医療保健社会学や家族、高齢化に関する研究。米国ハワイ大学博士(社会学)。梨花リーダーシップ開発院所長、韓国社会科学協議会副会長、平和医療財団総裁、韓国女性教授連合会会長、韓国社会学会会長など。主著はAge-Boom Generation: Preparing for the Ageing Society(2004年)、Koreans in the US、Abortions in Korea、Qualitative Methodologyなど。

ANZAI Yuichiro President,
Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science

ANZAI Yuichiro President, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yuichiro Anzai is well known for his pioneering work on learning by doing and human-robot interaction in the fields of cognitive and computer sciences. He served as the president of Keio University (2001-09), the chair of the Central Council for Education, the chair of its University Subcouncil, the chair of the Association of Pacific-Rim Universities, and others. Currently he is Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT), a member of the Council for Science and Technology, the leader of the team in MEXT for the reform for connecting high-school and university education, and the chair of the Artificial Intelligence Technology Strategic Council. He published around 300 reviewed academic articles and books in cognitive and computer sciences, including Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (Academic Press).

安西 祐一郎
1974年慶應義塾大学大学院工学研究科博士課程修了。カーネギーメロン大学心理学科客員助教授、北海道大学文学部助教授等を経て1988年慶應義塾大学理工学部教授。2001-09年慶應義塾長。2011年より現職。文部科学省顧問、同省高大接続改革チームリーダー、3省連携人工知能技術戦略会議議長。中央教育審議会会長、同大学分科会長、環太平洋大学協会会長等歴任。認知科学?情報科学専攻、Learning by DoingおよびHuman-Robot Interactionの先駆的研究で知られる。『心と脳』(岩波書店)、『講座コミュニケーションの認知科学』(全5巻、岩波書店)、など著共編多数。