

Promoting study abroad programs
Information and Supports
Annual plan
Activity announcements / reports
Promoting study abroad programs

Annual plan

The 2012 academic year

  1. Install videoconferencing systems for each faculty
  2. Hold the second International Student Symposium on the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
  3. Conduct language training abroad (Australia, New Zealand and other countries)
  4. Prepare for establishing a double-degree program with partner universities
  5. Renew the home page for the Global Education Center (aimed at Ochanomizu University students considering studying abroad)
  6. Revise the study abroad guide

The 2013 academic year

  1. Form partnerships with more affiliated schools
  2. Recruit exchange students and send Ochanomizu University students abroad
  3. Enrich a consultation/support system for international students studying at Ochanomizu University
  4. Maintain and manage videoconferencing systems
  5. Renew, maintain, and manage the Global Education Center website (Ochanomizu University students studying abroad/international students studying at Ochanomizu University, orientation for students coming to Japan)
  6. Publish the study abroad guide and newsletter
  7. Publish various reports (for initiatives such as short-term training, the International Student Symposium, exchange programs, Japanese as a Second Language: Practice Teaching in Australia, and the Japanese Education Summer Program)
  8. Hold an International Exchange Seminar for Japanese and South Korean university students
  9. Hold the Japanese Education Summer Program
  10. Send students abroad on short-term summer training programs (Manchester, UNSW, UCR, Sookmyung, Ewha, Taiwan, Kyungpook , etc.)
  11. Carry out Japanese as a Second Language: Practice Teaching in Australia
  12. Send students abroad on short-term spring training programs (Otago, Monash, UCR, UNSW, Hull, Tomsk , etc.)
  13. Hold the third International Student Symposium on the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami